General Conditions:
There will be an agreement between the users of our site in one part and our company being the second part. This agreement will contain the relevant clauses pertaining to both the parties.
The users may be the learners, experts and others. But once anybody visits our site will be construed that the incumbent has already gone through our terms and conditions.
The experts have agreed not to do any act that harms the company objectives. They have been instructed adhering to the company norms. They should not share their personal credentials with third parties. They should not promote parallel businesses beyond company norms. They should maintain business secrecy as company desires. They should keep in touch with the timely updates with the company. At the same time they should communicate their personal updates to the company regularly.
The learners have agreed not to do any act that harms the company objectives. They also have been instructed adhering to the company norms. They should not share their personal credentials with third parties. They should not otherwise request the experts to share their personal identities that would harm the company objectives. They should keep in touch with the timely updates with the company. At the same time they should communicate their personal updates to the company regularly.
Conditions relevant to the Learners:
These are the following conditions laid down for the sake of the learners who are instructed to go through before going to our site. It is because they would be responsible for misuse of our site either with or without their knowledge.
The learners have to go for registration to get their personal ID. Once it is registered means that they have gone through and accepted our terms and conditions. After getting into our site, they have to choose subjects and the relevant experts. The learners have the options to choose the experts from their ratings. The learners also have either to choose the individual or group option. The learners also get the option to look into the profiles of the experts. Then the learner has to go for the time alternatives, where he may go for daily or weekly or monthly options. Here, we have discounted options for choosing longer time alternatives. Then the learner should have to confirm the expert as well as the time options. If the expert doesn’t turn up within twenty minutes of the scheduled call the learner is liable to get refund for the advance payments, if any.
Here the learner also gets the option to reject the confirmed engagement much ahead, as if it would not put the management in trouble. Now it is the time that the learner will get the opted experts in due time. It is the duty and obligation of the learner to deposit the required fees online or in case of offline payment give immediately to the expert, otherwise legal action deemed proper will be initiated against him as per company rules.
Conditions relevant to the Experts:
The following conditions are laid down for the interest of the experts who are requested to go through before going to our site Otherwise, they would be the responsible for misuse of our site either with or without their knowledge.
The experts have to go for registration to get their personal ID. Once it is registered means that they have gone through and accepted our terms and conditions. After getting into our site, they will get their available options with their engagement schedule. Out of the available options, they have to choose and confirm at what time they are available. And it is mandatory for every registered expert to honour at least four calls per day, as per company guidelines. Otherwise, the respective expert would face disciplinary actions as deemed necessary. Then the expert has to execute the call. There are two options available for the learner for the payment; online and offline.
So, it is the lookout and the responsibility of the expert to confirm the company, on the spot (just after the end of the teaching), that the payment is received (whether online or offline).If it is online payment, only confirmation is sufficient from the side of the expert. But if it is offline payment, then the expert should confirm the payment by giving a company generated receipt to the learner. In case of offline payments, it is obligated from the side of the company that the respective experts should deposit all payments so received in company account otherwise the trainers will face disciplinary actions as per company rules.
Return, Refund & Cancellation Policy:
It is the policy of our company to return the payments received from the learners only if the trainer doesn’t turn up within twenty minutes of the scheduled time or there happens to be any fault from the site of the company. When the question of refunds and cancellation comes, if the learner cancels his call from his side within twenty minutes of the scheduled call, he is liable to be refunded as per the rules. Refunds will be processed through the same online mode in 10-15 days.
Jurisdiction of the company:
It is for the information of all the end users and stakeholders that the jurisdiction of the company is Bhubaneswar (odisha). So, all the disputes arising out of and related to company will be resolved within the jurisdiction of Bhubaneswar.
Copyright Policy norms:
The company exclusively reserves all the rights of our parent company Newaetate private limited and licensed to use the materials contained in our site according to the copyright act. So anybody engaged in copying any of the contents will be seriously viewed according to company norms.
Intellectual property norms:
The entire design and contents of our site is the property of our parent company Newaetate private limited. So all the materials, in any form like trademarks, graphics, service marks and logos are our property and anybody found violating our norms will be punishable under law.
Miscellaneous terms and conditions
The also reserves the following rights:
Display advertisements in the site as and when wants; we have also the right to display attribution link or invoices sent; we have also the right to change any part of our site whenever necessary; we have also the right to terminate any part or whole contents of our site; it is also agreed that will be indemnified for any loss or damage caused by any user; it is also agreed that we can use any language in addition to English during the course of translation, if needed; we have the right to amend our terms and conditions whenever necessary; we can change our place of jurisdiction if necessary; the prevailing fees and rates so mentioned may be changed from time to time if necessary.